Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Inspiration: Bodega Bouquet

Life is Good

Tech wise at least! I got a new MacBook Pro which replaced my shitty Toshiba and will last me throughout my professional career as a designer and I fixed my camera!!!


Life gets a hell of a lot better when I have an amazing computer and didn't have to spend dinero on a new camera.

Yesterday was a good day for those reasons and because I got a lot of school work done. Things are getting better!

Now if only I could get a second job :).

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Seattle to New York

I love this poster that Caitlin and Dustin got me as a birthday present:

This is a fantastic (as in really great) piece of artwork. It's been hard to hang in my new place because my walls suck for putting stuff up and I've tried everything but no matter - I love it. I'm thinking about getting one for New York. I can't decide between:

I'm definitely leaning towards the orange one because it'd match my Papaya posters. Thoughts?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Typography: Expressive Words

In my typography class I had a project to choose 3 expressive words and communicate their meaning through page composition, kearning and typeface manipulation. I had a lot of fun with this assignment and learned that some words seemed easy to express weren't.

Broken (my favorite and best liked by my professor):


Flawed (the most liked by my class):

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Wish Bandit Could Fetch

If he could, I would ask him - could you please bring me my glass of wine?