Monday, January 31, 2011

Typography Project 1: CD Cover

My first project for my Typography class is to create a CD cover using only black and white and shapes. I choose Sara Bareilles' latest album: Kaleidscope Heart and here is my finished result:

Let me know what you think! I'm personally very pleased with it. The first week of school is off to a good kick start.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's Getting To Me

I've been through winters - in Seattle it can be a little brutal - but blizzards equal wearing the exact same clothing over and over again.

Same UGGS, same wellies, same pants, same jacket, blah, blah, blah. For someone who loves fashion as much as I do - this sucks b-lls. I guess in Seattle I had a car so it was getting from point a to point b instead of walking so many blocks and the subway and the slush. And everyone keeps saying it's one of the worst winters in 6 years, so that makes me feel a little better, too.

Now I'm watching Sex and the City and they are wearing fabulous clothing and so many dresses -  it makes me want New York to go back to being warm!

I still love it here :). I just miss a variety in clothing choices. I could never be a man.


I started school this last week at the fabulous Parsons aka The New School. When I logged into my account, I got the best news- I was awarded the Dean's Scholarship!

The scholarships can't be applied for instead every student's application is reviewed then awarded. It looks like my stamp was not only Parsons approved but awarded, too.

That was a nice moment.