Saturday, February 25, 2012

Redhead Racists?

Okay, so the three friends sitting next to me at Starbucks are definitely providing me with entertainment.

1. One of their group has the second doppelganger running around NYC.
2. The girl that was mistaken for someone else is a redhead and made a comment that people can be redhead racists.

What is a redhead racist?

I asked myself that same question but instead of having to verbalize it, I just had to keep eavesdropping. Her definition is someone who sees one redhead and they have seen them all.

Her example is that she gets likened to Amy Adams and Kate Walsh. Since neither actress looks like the other, it's her proof that someone only see the red hair - not the face. (Girl has a point there - those two look NOTHING alike).

Reminds me of Lainey said about Michael Phelps (re: Asian women). TMZ weighed, too. Now, that incident reeks of ignorance and maybe a touch of racism.

As a fellow ginger (although I'm more auburn these days), I disagree. Maybe a redhead generalist is the right phase?

I get that she was trying to explain it by using the word "racist" but I think it's inaccurate.

Also - I'm a redhead and never getting either actress as a lookalike.

Interesting, non?

Side note: I probably am the only person that thought it was interesting :).


I've been sitting at Starbucks (my school away from school) and twice in 2 and a half hours, 2 different people have been mistaken by 2 different people for 2 different people.

The seats to my right have been occupied by two different groups of people and one person in each group has been mistaken for someone else.


Side note: reminds of How I Met Your Mother 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cool New Blog: Ephemeral New York

While researching Coney Island photographs circa 1950 for my GD1 class, I found a pretty cool New York centric blog: Ephemeral New York .

It's all about current NYC and old NYC. It's subtitled, "Chronicling an ever-changing city through faded and forgotten artifacts."

It's subtitle is as beautiful as its name.

Definitely worth checking out if NYC, its history, landmarks and development is interesting to you.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Something That Makes Me Smile

My last couple of posts haven't been exactly cheerful, so I thought I'd post a couple of somethings that almost always make me smile (who doesn't laugh at a little feline torture :)):

Bandit wanted to be checked in all the way to Orlando. Clearly.

Timing Can Suck It

I believe that timing is important; hell half the time it is key.

Whether it factors into moving, work, school, people. events, friends, so on and so forth, I've always believed that it matters and can make a difference.

But lately I think that Timing Can Suck It.

I search for meaning in my life. I don't think that is unusual.

Sometimes I search for meaning in the smallest of incidents.

Sometimes I search for meaning in the biggest of incidents.

Sometimes I believe that timing, however seemingly insignificant, means something. That maybe, this time, thinking of someone at the same time he texts you or running into him when you least expect it or missing him on the phone for months but suddenly being able to get a hold of him or having a great time with him as if it was yesterday instead of several months ago, means something. Just maybe the two of us are meant to be.

But lately, I'm starting not to believe in any of that.

Maybe nothing is a sign.

I have a hard time finding someone that I have a spark with. Let alone someone I find myself remotely attracted to.

There are plenty of decent looking guys in NYC but none that I think are actually cute. Or spark with.

Side note: a definite improvement over Seattle where I never found anyone whom I thought was decent looking.

So when I find someone I think about a lot and I find him attractive and we manage to see/run into each other and I become hopeful.

Maybe it is meant to be.

Then it becomes unarguably clear that the TIMING ISN'T RIGHT.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Do You Believe in Coincidence/Chance?

Coincidence n.

1. The state or fact of occupying the same relative position or area in space.
2. A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.

Chance n.
1. The unknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable cause.
2. An unpredicted event, esp a fortunate one.

There has been a certain amount of circumstances surrounding me, as of late, and I have no idea if they mean anything.

A part of me desperately wants them to. But another part of me doesn't think that they meaning anything at all.

I am a big believer in timing but maybe it doesn't always mean something?

I think it all boils down to: are some things/incidents/people/events/happenings purely coincidental and chance or is there some meaning behind it? 

Thursday, February 16, 2012


In the last couple of weeks, I watched Grey's Anatomy alternative reality episode and went to see The Vow. I really enjoyed the tv epi and the movie. Each form of entertainment left a lingering question in my mind because . . .

Each story had one thing in common: that sometimes despite the hand fate deals you or where you start, you end up exactly where you were always going.

The question of fate lingers in my mind because sometimes I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. I make choices and unsure of what they will lead to except for what happens in the immediate future.

I love the idea that you will always end where you were supposed to be going.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

If you love today:

If you want to punch today in the face:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

JGL Reinstated on My Freebie Five

I was none too happy when I heard a rumor about ScarJo and JGL hooking up. I mentioned it here.

I am SO happy that it turns out they were just meeting about a project. I read about it here.

He is even hotter now because he's going to be directing his first film. Deadline has all the details here.


I'm Excited!

Tomorrow night we have an awards ceremony at Ciprani.

I am so excited.

1. Because I'll never be able to afford Ciprani on my own.
2. I get out of work early to help set up.
3. Free dinner.
4. I get to wear a cocktail dress and heels. Time to play dress up!
5. I'll get to shake my booty because there is always dancing after dinner :).

Did I mention that I'm excited?

Streets of Soho 5

I'm Grateful For:

1. My class being cancelled.
2. Finding a seat at Starbucks.
3. For the mom and daughter sitting next me; it warms my heart to see a little kid learning.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Streets of Soho 4

I'm Grateful For:

1. I finally found a "customize your own" website with awesome hoodies. After hours and hours of looking through Zazzle, CafePress, googling "wholesale sweatshirts," etc. I found customize your own gold! I'm going to create my own verison of my obsession at a fraction of the price!
2. My Mac adapter breaking before my year warranty is up. If it's going to break, I'm glad it did now :). Saved me $61 bucks!
3. Erica thinking of me (don't want to say about what yet!).

Monday, February 6, 2012

Streets of Soho 3

I'm Grateful For:

1. Talking to my mom tonight and for her awesome perspective, advice and because she listens to me.
2. The staples copy and print center on 14th street; they saved my ass for my GD1 homework assignment.
3. Trader Joe's being open til 10 pm on Mondays; it's where I do my weekly grocery shopping.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Streets of Soho 1

Streets of Soho: Urban Alphabet

Today was a good day.

I woke up early today, 9:30 am, got my ass to Work: Elite and Training for my first kick basics class. I was a little late but it was okay.

Ate lunch at Soho Park and saw the lovely Leila and Albina. Had a delicious burger (they are my favorite in NYC), tasty sweet corn and a Boylan cream soda. YUM!

Then I wandered around Soho taking photos for my future GD1 assignment: an urban/found alphabet.

I'm not sure if my pictures are right for my assignment but I did have a really great time exploring all of Soho taking pictures with my point and shoot as well as my hipstamatic iPhone app. I'm going to post my favorites here on my blog.

I probably looked like a crazy person but I didn't care.

ALSO: Check out the Dr. Seuss exhibit at Animazing Gallery - it is a show of his original drawings. Pretty amazing. I also enjoyed Beautiful Nightmares.

Friday, February 3, 2012

I'm Grateful For:

1. Ally McBeal on Netflix: Calista and RDJ really did have such amazing chemistry.
2. Rain calling me back even though we didn't get a chance to talk.
3. Vivi calling me back even though we didn't get a chance to talk.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm Grateful For:

1. My awesome, bitch (it's what my boss calls a haircut that is badass), haircut from the lovely Marina of Shear Bella Salon. It is as if a weight was lifted from my shoulders.
2. My new bras. I feel like a new woman wearing my new bra from H&M - great quailty for a cheap price.
3. My Bloomingdale's gift card: I got great new MAC makeup and I love it.
4. My new neon yellow t-shirt. I feel like spring. Turns out I look like it, too. Two of the brokers told me so at work. My favorite:

Broker: "Lauren, you look like spring."
Me: "It feels like spring outside."
Broker: "I like it, I really like it."

*bonus note of gratitude because I am in A REALLY GOOD MOOD TODAY!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Being Grateful

Inspiration about what to do with my life comes from all sorts of places. My most recent revelation is from my weekly email from Shelf Awareness.

It is so easy to complain, whine, bitch and moan. When I read this:

"Bookstores are treasure troves of journals and notebooks (I know this, I have more notebooks than I can count and I always carry one on me). Buy a small journal. Every evening, write down three things you have been grateful for during the day. Bonus points if they are people. Maybe you'll be so busy being grateful that your previous resolutions will just happen. At the very least, you'll be happier, and that's no small accomplishment." Marilyn Dahl, book review editor, Shelf Awareness.

Good point Marilyn, excellent point.

I'm going to try to do this every day.

I'm grateful for:
1. Katie Malone: it was great to have a conversation with and support from one of my high school friends.
2. My H&M gift card I got for Christmas from one of my two awesome roommates because I used it to buy much needed bras. 
3. Mara Kurtz: my GD1 professor. I am learning so much from her and she is a great teacher. My style for sure.
UPDATE: One of my favorite blogs and literary agents, Janet Reid posted about it, too.