Friday, April 27, 2012


I am liking Channing Tatum more and more. Dirty dancing with Sir Elton John is pretty awesome. I also love how British gossip is written: "Jenna, 31, wore a seductive red dress, which she paired with fishnet tight" (Daily Mail)

HOW Magazine's Top 10 Websites for Designers. (HOW Magazine)

The 25 Most Beautiful Public Libraries. New York, Seattle and LA made the list! (Flavorwire)

A Case for JK Rowling to Win the Nobel Prize. (Atlantic Wire)

This makes me happy - Buffy and Freddie Prinze Jr. are still together and pregnant! (Celebitchy)

Bandit Likes My Paper Expo Project

Hmmm . . . I need to sniff you out just like I do to Mom's face

I'm thinking, I'm thinking . . . I think I approve

You dare attack?! I'm going to get you, accordion fold book!

Add caption

Excuse me, Mom - why are you interrupting me?!

Yes, yes I approve

I'm done with you. Time to jump back on the bed.

Yup, I Had a Mini-Meltdown

I was starting to feel the effects of a mini-meltdown on Monday and it really, officially this time happened on Tuesday.

The piece of rock that crumbled on the edge of the cliff I was standing on was the stress of one of my bosses traveling again for the second time in two weeks.


He was stressed, so then I was stressed.

The combination of 8:30 am - 1 am days (waking up, straight to work then straight to school then to the computer lab and then more work/getting ready for the next day) Monday through Wednesday.


Having a little bit of free time on Thursdays and Fridays but usually ended up doing research/shopping for school. Squeezing in some time to see a friend or two.


Working 16+ hours on the weekend researching, designing and producing school work.


Not finding my groove aka my concept for my two big final projects.


Staying awake to let my cousin in my building since I can't make a copy of the outside door key.


Normal stress of a new job.


Kind of getting yelled at at work.


Crying in the stairwell for a few minutes.

Monday, April 23, 2012

It's Officially Melt Down Time

Am officially having a mini melt down today.

Staying up until 1 or 2 am at least 3 - 4 nights a week doing school work, ever since school started back up, has officially gotten to me.

Stress is radiating off of me and none of my usual de-stress tricks are working.

Reading a great book
Caffeine in the form of strong, comforting earl grey tea
Taking a 10 minute break from work just to get out of the office
Celebrity gossip
A glass of wine on my own

I went to bed by midnight on Friday and Saturday and I still feel like I am going to flip out.

When everyone asked me in January/February, "How is school going?"

I responded, "Great. But wait and ask me again in May."

It's not even May  . . .

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Yes, I Think I Will Stay Awhile

What is it with cats and small spaces?

*please ignore the mess :) am trying to clean after spring semester!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New York Neighborhood: Nolita

In February, I posted pics of Soho.

Now, I bring you Nolita:

All in service of GD1 at the New School! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Weekend Walk: Central Park on an Early Morning Saturday

I was walking through Central Park on Saturday morning and I completely fell in love with New York all over again.

It was quiet. No one was out yet except for a couple of joggers (because New Yorkers don't get it together until after 12 pm on the weekends). It was a misty, gray day and it suited me and my mood just perfectly.

The light that day made for beautiful photographs and I couldn't resist taking a few every time something struck me.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Wish I Was Her

Via This Blog
I would love to be sitting somewhere in a sun dress gazing at the Eiffel Tower and rocking a straw boat hat.

There is something about this photo that I truly love.