Thursday, July 29, 2010

Boys & Girls: Same Story Decades Later

It's funny because I think that men and women are equals about life and sex but it's proven to me again and again that my thoughts don't hold true to the general consesus.
The last couple of guys I've dated STILL don't understand that:
For one: Girls can date without wanting to get serious.Turns out that is exactly want some of us very much want. Me very much included.

For two: A one time thing as it is for them is the SAME as it is for us. Again, I am very much included in this. And when guys think we want so much more - it truly pisses me off. Like A LOT.

For three: Women can really enjoy sex WITHOUT expectations. Hell, sometimes that is all that I want.
Maybe it's just me, except I know it's not because I have girlfriends who feel the same way - us women get it and like it when it's just fun and just a fling :). I couldn't be happier but it makes me outraged that guys don't get it.

And I hate having to explain myself.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Inspiration: Floral Photos

I love flowers. I especially love roses even though it's cliche. I thought I would share my favorite floral photos I've taken this summer:

Graphic Design: Stamp for Parsons AAS Application

I blogged about my inspiration for a project designing a postage stamp. I didn't want to mention that it was for my Parsons AAS application for graphic design because I didn't want to jinx myself. But now that I turned in my application (yay!) I feel like it's just up to the admissions committee now and it's time to the final result:

Now I'm crossing my fingers and toes that I get in!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Advice: From Hiring Managers to Job Seekers

I love job seeking advice. It's kind of an addiction because every time I see an article featured on's home page or some place else, I can't help but to click. When I checked out 24 Seven Talent's facebook wall, I saw a link to this article: 21 Things Hiring Managers Wish You Knew.

Some of the tips were obvious because I've cooridnated onsite interviews and phone screens and have witnessed a hiring manager's reaction to candidates that arrive more than 5 minutes early, fail to send a thank you note or treat the phone screen too informally (tip #15, 4, 9 respectively).

New suggestions that I've filed away for later are: hiring managers may check references beyond the list of references a candidate supplies, they want to know your real weaknesses, and candidates should address their overqualifactions in a cover letter if applicable (tip #11, 6, 7 respectively).

It's a great article to brush up on job seeking etiquette from a hiring perspective. Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hit a Wall

It's official as my other news, I've hit my wall today, right now.

Just like yesterday, I've spent all day writing and reading. Yesterday was mostly writing so I could turn in my Parsons AAS for Graphic Design application. Which I did. Yay for me!!! I'm still nervous whether or not they are taking applicants but when I submitted I didn't get a "application closed" or "we no more want applications" I assume enrollment is still rolling. That would be great. It would be even better if I get in ;)!

Today was about 50% reading, 50% writing. I need to catch up on my celebrity gossip and the author blogs I read. Which is fun but it tired me out today. I spent a lot of time today catching up with my blogs (including what I'm writing right now, this one, this one, this one ) which is great but again I'm exhausted right now.

It's a combination of the stress of completing my application, essentially being kicked out of my own home due to the numerous condo showings my place is having (yay jumpy claps! I hope it gets sold but boo! because I had planned using the kicked out of my own home time to lay out and we're having this crappy until 2 pm weather- I need to work on my tan weather gods!), and I think I'm just done. At least for today.

I usually never get sick or reading my blogs or writing but today it's both. I'm not even sure if I want to read the awesome new book I started: Fifth Avenue, 5 A.M.

I do wish my next True Blood disc from Netflix would arrive. That I'm looking forward to.

Maybe I just need a nap . . .

Dream Job: Store Manager for European Boutique

Now that my news is official, I'm working on sending out my resume and applying for jobs in the city.

My friend Erica who moved to NYC three years ago recommended 24 Seven Talent, a recruitment agency that specializes in creative fields, which is perfect for me because I love graphic design, marketing, and retail. 

This job posting I found sounds like a dream job: 

An edgy, downtown-chic European brand is seeking a Store Manager for their Soho location. This is a FABULOUS company that is looking for someone who can manage the business without being too serious! This is an amazing opportunity to join a huge retailer with a laid-back, fun-loving attitude towards work. To qualify, you must: 
  • Have a strong understanding of the brand & company culture (I definitely understand the importance of executing and communicationg a company's brand thanks to my experience at Rosanna Inc. (retail and corporate experience), Coach, and Mercent).
  • Understand how to drive a business without being too serious or rigid with your team (I am a firm believer that a little silliness or fun does not detract from getting the job done right - sometimes you need that to get through the work day). 
  • Be a committed, loyal, and dedicated employee. no job jumpers! (Commitment, loyalty, and dedication are just as important to me as enjoying work. I like a trusting environment and to not worry about someone else trying to steal my job). 
  • Be a great motivator and coach for your team (A great manager is a great teacher. A great teacher is a great mentor who motivates, coaches, encourages, and criticizes appropriately). 
  • Possess excellent customer service abilities (If you work in retail, excellent customer service abilities are a necessity and applicable to dealing with co-workers and bosses).
The Best Part:
There is a tremendous amount of upward mobility with this company.
Candidates that are hired will get to travel to Europe for 3 weeks prior to starting!!!

I wish at 24 Seven, I could have listed multiple industry I'm interested in because I would have checked in addition to marketing: retail (see above awesome position), graphics -  other, and public relations.

24 Seven has great feedback, check out their twitter and facebook pages. Once I move, I plan to attend at least one if not more of their events.

News: Moving to NYC!!

It's official: New York City better watch out because I'm moving into town!

I've wanted to move to New York for the last few years but lacked the guts to uproot myself from Seattle and now it's finally happening. The moving process has been in the works for a couple of months and now I'm almost ready.

I picked a date: August 17th. My gorgeous condo is listed on the market. I've began the rigourous prospect of applying for work in the city. Just need to sell the condo and the car.

Now it's time to cross my toes and my fingers that it everything works out!

Friday, July 16, 2010

I Don't Know How I'm Going to Do It

Leave Seattle that is.

Today is one of those gorgeous Seattle summer days that pale in comparison to San Diego or Hawaii. It's a perfect temperature, I'm at a really casual and fun event - Kirkland Uncorked and listening to a band from my restruant days - 2 Buck Chuck - and they sound amazing. It's perfectly warm & 730 at night with the sun shining. Just perfect.

I am really going to miss it here. It's going to be painful to leave and it sucks to know how much I'll miss it before it is gone.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Outfit: Independence Day!

So I am a real nerd about holidays and what to wear on them. I like wearing red or green for Christmas (no, not together) and I especially like wearing red, white, and blue on Independence Day.

In years past I have worn:
  • Red pants, white top, blue shoes.
  • A blue and green halter top with white pants and red shoes.
  • Blue dress, white shoes, and a red scarf in my hair.
  • One outfit I'm not particularly proud of: an American flag t-shirt with one of the iconic American fashion items: blue jeans. Hey I was in junior high.

This year I want to wear this:

I have to:
  • Find it in my size
  • Hope our finicky Seattle weather actually corporates
The Weather Rule of Thumb for Seattle is usually on the 4th of July or immediately after our summer comes but I'm not holding my breath this year.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Trend: Belt Bracelets

While perusing online I noticed a trend I don't recall ever seeing before: belt bracelets. At least none so obvs. as these:

Can you guess which is Coach? Prada? John Hardy? Male? Female?

My personal fav is the bottom left. I would definitely sport it.