Friday, September 2, 2011

Awful, Miserable Motherf***ing Week

If anyone has had an awful or miserable week feel better that the following things didn't happen to you:

1. Dealt with unorganized real estate agents and brokers
2. Rushed out of work early to sign lease and get keys only to be denied
3. Accidentally threw away your paycheck
4. Waited in live for over an hour to get a u-haul for 2 days in a row
5. Moved a bunch of s**t down 4 flights of stairs (1st day)
6. Moved a bunch of s**t up 3 flights of stairs (1st day)
7. Moved everything again - down 3 flights up, up 6 but in an elevator (Thank God)
8. Moved until past midnight two nights in a row
9. Woke up at 6 am to return the u-hauls 2 days in a row
10. Have only slept 9 hours in 2 days
11. Got 3 parking tickets
12. Lost cat and sobbed all afternoon at work (found him Thank God)
13. Sliced your middle finger three times and bruised it by accidentally getting too close when trying to turn off your fan
14. Find out the a**holes at BofA have put a hold on your account until 5 pm PST when you live on the east coast
15. Essentially that means you're broke until 8 pm

But HUGE thanks to my amazing friends, Rebecca Estomago, Jeff Douse and Jeff Broadwell, for getting me through it and helping me. I don't know what I would have done without your help and I probably couldn't have done it. I kept saying I couldn't wait for the next 24 hours to be over, then that turned into 48 hours, and now I need it to be 8 pm here so I have access to my funds! FML

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