Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Feel Better

Thanks to Writer Man.

I finally bit the bullet about applying for an internship in my degree field - graphic design.

Lo and behold, I actually got the job!

Jumpy claps :). Actually, I had to read the email three times to believe it. Then I quietly ducked out of my office into the hallway to jump up and down as quietly as I could. There may have been some silent open mouthed screaming.

I've spent a lot of my life prioritizing making money over taking a job that may make me happy but knowing I would be financially unstable. I do value stability and a paycheck I can count on.

A part of it came from the insecurity that I wasn't good enough to get an internship. Another part of me was petrified that my unstable finances would make me CRAZY. It would always be an internship and a restaurant job. I do enjoy working at restaurants but some parts of working in the industry make me a little restless and it's not always the healthiest environment for me.

With some encouragement from my amazing mother and the realization that I need to do this for ME, I took the job of Graphic Design Intern at Maggy London.

At the age of pretty much 29, I am finally going to have a job that I will potentially love.

For the first time in my life.


I'm tempted to beat myself up over the fact that it's taken me THIS LONG to do what I want. In fact, I have so many times already. There is an expectation, whether I put it on myself or it is a direct effect of societal ideals and pressures, that I should have it (life, work, love) much more figured out than I do. I've been so envious of my friends that are my age who have jobs that they love. Jobs that are careers. There is a difference.

What made me feel immeasurably better?

Writer Man told me that he didn't start writing until he was 29. Someone who I respect, have had a bit of hero worship towards and I admired isn't too different than me.

Turns out, the old saying of "better late than never" is all too true.   

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