Thursday, July 12, 2012

When It Rains It Pours

When I first moved to New York back in August of 2010, I spent my first month here with no job.

Thank God for my unemployment checks from Mercent! And selling my car.

I went on countless interviews. I dropped by numerous bars dropping off resumes.


Then I had two jobs in a day.

Started working at Coach in Soho and Affair on 8th in Greenwich Village.

Then there was a drought in January 2011. No hours at Coach. No more serving shifts at Affair.

Then I had 6 jobs. Raining again.

I stepped back from working at Coach and Soho Park. I decided to work full time at Soho Park (aka I became a So Ho - inside joke :)) with the lovely Leila, Albina, Zalina, Wendy and Joy (who I can't call lovely because he is a guy but is awesome nonetheless).

After interviewing over a month earlier, I got an offer letter to be an admin at Prudential Douglas Elliman. After numerous discussions with Rebecca and my mom and my first round of negotiations, I decided to take the job.

A day later, I received a phone call about an internship at Penguin (a dream job). Raining again. I turned down going to an interview because I had just accepted my job at PDE. Scared of not being financially independent, I backed out.

Not going to lie, I often think about what would have happened if I hadn't declined.

Especially since I decided at the beginning of Spring 2012 I would love to design book covers. Moving on . . .

After a miserable 8 months at PDE - I got a job that I thought would amazing. It was not.

I realized that I never want to be a f-cking admin assistant ever again.

Upon my epiphany, I applied for numerous internships and junior designer positions via LinkedIn. To my shock and utter happiness, I got one.

Up until today, I had been hanging by a thin financial thread. I mean like spending less than $6 a day.

Nada luck with finding a restaurant besides hitting the pavement HARD. I mean dropping off like 20 resumes and applying to multiple Craig's List postings. And pimping out any and all restaurant connections.

It's raining again.

I have a training shift at Arabesque tomorrow. An interview at for a position I applied for almost two months ago.

And I still LOVE my internship. My boss is badass. My other teammate is funny, nice and takes the time to teach and talk to me. The photo shoots alone make me happy.

New York is a tough city. It is full of endless possibilities.

Why do you think I live here ;)?

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