Tuesday, January 24, 2012

F-ck Me!

I came back from Orlando tan, relaxed and happy. I was in a good mood today coming into the office. I mean, who ever wants to go back to work?

Anyhow, I get to the office and my crush isn't there yet. He comes in a little later but still in the morning (ok, so I swivel my head around from my desk to periodically check if he's at his desk - yes, I'm a creeper) and when I walk by he says, "Good Morning, Lauren."

He's never said good morning to me before. PROGRESS!

Instead of cheerfully replying and striking up a conversation, what did I do? 

I acted like a completely abnormal person and just walked right by. It was like some sort of weird delayed response. I have no idea.

After that I sat at my desk wanting to band my head down against it. I tried, unsuccessfully, to find a way to start up a conversation again.

The most I did?

Managed to wink at him. I owed him one ;).

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