Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Month Anniversary to Me!

Yesterday was my one month anniversary of moving to New York and to celebrate I'm going to recap my month.

I started off in the East Village for the first week and a half. I learned that where I lived, Avenue D and 9th is also referred to as Avenue Death and it's as far east as possible to be in Manhattan. It was a decent place but there was some strange art and NO air circulation. I'm glad it wasn't permanent. 
Then I began the tedious search of a permanent living situation. Looking for a roommate and room on Craig's List was a bizarre mix of a job interview and a blind date. 

You want to show that you're reliable and trustworthy yet have him or her like you enough to see you again (aka let you live with them for a year).

I finally found a great place to live with a great roommate(s). I live on the Upper East Side aka UES with Jillian and Luna the cat. It's a quiet area and it feels like a neighborhood but it does lack having a variety of shops nearby. It doesn't lack have a variety of great bars nearby ;).

On the job front: I thought I had a sure bet at Coach. I informally interviewed and was told they would find a place for me. Weeks went by and I didn't hear anything. Out of the blue I got a phone call to fill out paperwork and once I passed my background check they would officially offer me a position. It's been almost a week and a half and no job offer . . .
I interviewed at Karen Millen and they told me I did a great job during the interview and audition.

If they like a person during the interview then she has an audition- I acted as a sales associate and pretty much closed a sale. I was excused from the audition and told I did a great job! I was supposed to hear back from them at the end of last week. No call. 

The most random job of all: I am pretty sure I am going to become a day bartender. I am a big fan of Affair on 8th and I heard while I was drinking at the bar that they needed day help. I went in to meet the manager yesterday, the manager wasn't there and I think Ciara (pronounced Kira) forgot at first why I was there in the first place. I was put off at first because I went through the effort of dressing up and there was no interview. 
Ciara and I started talking and I might start training but no exact job offer or schedule.

Getting work in NY is not quite like anywhere else. 

Then there are the boys- I never thought I would say this but I am so sick of getting hit on. Probably because I haven't thought a single one of them were attractive or interesting. Good thing none of them have called. That's if you don't count one incident of late night texting. There is one slight possibility: a cute cook at Affair on 8th.

The last time we talked he met a cute Italian girl on and it was going well. That was exactly one month ago. I don't go after another girl's guy but I wouldn't be upset if it wasn't working out ;). 

There some more random stories in between but that's about it for now. . .

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