Monday, October 24, 2011

Feeling At Home

I have a hard time feeling at home until things are really organized and everything has its place. Even more so until things are decorated and coordinated. Might be one of the many reasons why I didn't feel fully at home at my old place.

Usually this leads me to antsy and buy things that don't really fit well in my home/bedroom because I'm so anxious to have everything perfect. I did this at my condo in Seattle. I'm not very patient sometimes. So in my spare time I've been looking on IKEA/Target/Bed, Bath and Beyond to figure what is the best and most perfect dresser for me.

I thought it would be this:

But in person the drawers weren't very deep which I desperately need because I have a lot of clothes and a teeny, tiny Manhattan apartment. Then much to my surprise because I'm strictly a black wood furniture kind of girl and I like my furniture to match, I decided on this:
I don't even like white furniture. I loved the white wicked furniture I had when I was kid at my house I grew up in. But ya know, I decided on black wood furniture a few years ago. Probably because I love the color black. Anyhow, I'm shocked about how much I LOVE it. It's the perfect depth - on two counts a) the space I decided for it in my room and b) the drawers give me plenty room for all of my clothes, lightweight, sturdy for IKEA furniture and the biggest surprise - I LOVE the white. I thought it would just blend in with my white walls and it kind of does but well. I like it so much that when the time comes I might get the matching set:

I'm hoping that after I finally wash all of my piles of laundry, which is never ending, and get rid of some of my clothes that they might all fit in the first dresser but if not another IKEA trip to Brooklyn will be in my future.

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